A lot of people struggle with their weight at some point or another. To try and combat this, they often times will look to outside sources for guidance in the form of popular diets or weight loss programs. Every once in a while, though, people can find themselves months into a program with no significant changes to show for it. This lack of results can be extremely confusing and frustrating. Some might see the number on the scale go down, but in turn they feel weak and their skin starts to sag. This article will aim to provide a healthy and proper step-by-step guide to losing weight. Body Stages Of Weight Loss can help you. But before we get started, let’s first go over the basics.
What Do the Body Stages of Weight Loss Mean? Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss
If you’re just starting your weight-loss journey, there are a few things you need to understand. First, you should know that, like with any proper and healthy diet, it takes time to see results. So if you’re dieting to lose weight, don’t expect results overnight. You’ll learn more about this in this guide.
It’s important to be able to tell the difference between weight loss and fat loss. They aren’t the same thing! It’s crucial to understand the difference so that you’re not discouraged if the numbers on the scale don’t change much from day to day, or if you see huge fluctuations.
Weight loss includes things like water weight and digestive issues. It’s normal to experience some weight loss while you’re dieting, but ultimately your goal should be to lose fat and build or maintain muscle.
When it comes to weight loss, there are three main stages: the fat-loss stage, the weight-loss stage, and the maintenance stage. In order to promote fat loss rather than just weight loss, you need to eat plenty of protein while making sure you’re in a calorie deficit and increasing your physical activity levels. And to make sure you’re losing fat, you’ll need a scale that can measure your body fat content.
Stages of Weight Loss
Every weight loss journey is different. You may find that you go through some stages multiple times or that you skip other stages altogether. Here are the key physical stages of losing weight that you may experience as you begin your journey:
1.The Honeymoon
The honeymoon phase is when your weight loss plan is new and shiny. It seems achievable and not too restrictive. You’re excited to get started and have lots of motivation.
In the early stages of this honeymoon phase, you’re fully committed to your plan. You’re cooking at home, making healthy choices, preparing your meals, and visiting the gym regularly.
The beginning of a weight loss journey is an exciting time. You’re seeing results on the scale and feeling good about yourself. Unfortunately, this phase doesn’t last forever. You’ll eventually start to experience life and reality again, which can be tough to handle. But if you stay focused on your goals, you’ll be able to reach your destination.
2.Reality Check (Slower Weight Loss)
The hard part of dieting comes when you have to start making tough decisions. If you’ve already started a new diet, you know how difficult it can be to stay on track.
It’s easy to stay on course when you’re preparing and planning your meals, but life has a way of throwing curveballs. If your kid has an emergency or you wake up late, it canthrow your whole meal plan off. And if you find yourself out and about, tired and hungry, it’s tempting to drive-thru a fast food restaurant for a quick and convenient meal.
This one small factor can really put a damper on your mental approach to starting a new diet. If you fall off the wagon, it may take several days or more to get back on track. Your weight loss goals can be hindered because of real-life obstacles and this mental blockage. Losing weight gradually is a normal and natural phase in the weight loss journey.
3.The Plateau
The third stage of weight loss can be discouraging. You have been limiting your calories for months, and you may have already had many setbacks. This phase of your weight loss journey is all about finding balance.
However, you might find that you still have cravings for unhealthy foods or that you struggle to stick to your workout routine on some days. This is normal! The important thing is to not get discouraged and to find a balance between healthy and unhealthy choices.
Losing weight is hard, there’s no denying that. But the key to success is developing healthy habits that you can stick to long-term. That’s why it’s important to find ways to make your routine interesting, so you don’t get bored and give up. And don’t forget to reward yourself for your achievements along the way! Small, healthy rewards will help you stay on track and motivated to reach your final goal.
4.Lifestyle Change
Losing weight is hard enough as it is, but dropping those last few pounds is often an even bigger challenge. You’ve changed your lifestyle and your habits so much at this point that they’ve become second nature – to the point where you don’t even think about them anymore. And that’s a good thing! You’re looking forward to meal planning and you’re craving healthy, nutrient-rich foods. Your friends have even stopped questioning your choices when you go out to eat together.
You’re not just dieting- you’ve made a permanent, sustainable change to your eating habits and lifestyle. This is a great place to be! You know your cravings and how to satisfy them without overindulging. Your diet feels sustainable and natural.
5.Maintaining Weight Loss
Most diets out there don’t work in the long run because they’re focused on deprivation instead of sustainable weight loss.
Weight Loss Maintenance Strategies
Losing weight can be tough, and sustaining that weight loss over time can be even tougher. A lot of research has shown that people who lose weight via dieting often regain a significant amount of that weight within a few years.
An effective diet can help you develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Here are a few tips to help you avoid weight gain and keep the pounds off for good.
Keep healthy food around
The food you see around is often the food you’ll end up eating, so it’s important to make sure that the food you have visible is healthy. Purchase healthy food options like fruit and veggies, and keep them in a visible spot, like on the counter in a bowl, or always stored in the fridge.
Boost protein intake
Primarily, protein helps to keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. If you make sure to eat protein-rich meals, you will not only feel full, but stay full. This in turn helps fight the urge to snack and keeps you from overeating.
Avoid processed foods
Processed foods are generally pretty unhealthy. So, if you want to be healthy, it’s a good idea to avoid processed foods and instead go for whole, healthy foods. Try to choose foods that are as minimally processed as possible and that come from sources you trust to be healthy.
It’s easy to forget that sleep is essential for our health. When we stay up late or don’t get enough sleep, our bodies crave high-energy foods like sugar and carbs. But if we get enough sleep, our bodies are rested and we’re less likely to crave those foods.
Find movement that you like
Being physically active is key to sustaining weight loss. Find an activity or workout that makes you happy- this will make it easy for you to stick with it. Also, having a variety of activities helps to keep things interesting.
The first stage of weight loss is usually when people see the most physical changes. However, weight loss during the second stage happens at a much slower pace. The weight lost during this stage is predominantly fat, rather than water, stored carbs, or protein.
Some important factors to remember while trying to lose weight include finding healthy dietary and workout habits that can be sustained in the long term.